5 Fun April Fools’ Day Pranks to Play on Your Co-Worker

Mar 30, 2013

Working in a professional environment can be very tedious at times and sometimes playing April Fools’ Day pranks can give us a much needed break from the everyday grind of things. Using birthdays, corporate events, or even holidays like April Fools’ Day are perfect ways to get your face away from the computer and let loose a bit.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 100,000 people in North America are known to work in some type of office setting, so I have put together five fun ways you can play April Fools’ Day pranks on your co-workers. Hopefully these remain as harmless as possible and your co-worker doesn’t get upset with you:

 1. Fill a desk / cube with packing peanuts – I listed this as number one because it is my absolute favorite prank out there. Yes, it is old and has been done a million times, but that’s because it’s so great! Not only does your co-worker have to come into work and not be able to see their stuff, but they also have to dig to find it and then clean it up to even begin working. Each bag of packing peanuts has 1.5 cubic feet of peanuts so measure the cubic feet of the office space you are trying to fill and do some basic math to figure out how many bags you will need to pull off this April Fools’ office prank.

april fools' day pranks

image: glossynews.com

2. Duct tape everything…to everything – Duct tape can be used for millions of things. Some of the craziest things I have seen are duct tape wallets, duct tape wedding dresses, duct tape purses and the classic duct taping someone to a wall. None of those are used within office walls so let’s put duct tape to work in the office. Tape your co-workers mouse to their desk, coffee mug to some toilet paper, desk speakers upside down or onto a wall giving them surround sound or even duct taping their phone to the receiver so they have to make speakerphone calls until they undo all the duct tape. The possibilities are endless with this one. Go crazy! (Sometimes duct tape leaves residue after peeling off, we suggest only taping to things that are easily washable or replaceable).

april fools' day pranks

image: gamerevolution.com

 3. Three simple words: ‘Stretch Plastic Wrap’ This stuff is fun, plain and simple. You can use this on your co-worker or boss all day long. Start by getting in the office before them, and then wrapping everything they have in stretch plastic wrap. You know that one co-worker who has 150 things on their desk? Well get to work early and wrap everything in stretch plastic wrap. To keep the gag going all day, clear wrap the toilet seat in the bathroom, put the stretch plastic wrap on door frames so when people walk into the conference room, they will run into the stretch plastic wrap. Then to top if off, when they think the day is over, go outside before they leave and wrap their car so they cant leave.

 4. Bubble wrap chairs – This one is fairly cheap to do and simple in design. Even if you work in an office with more than 50 people it in, you can prank each and every one of them if you arrive early enough. Simply take some bubble wrap and put it under their chair floor covers, under floor mats or just cut it up and bubble wrap everything you can so all day you can hear the popping noises throughout the office.

 5. Use security locks – As long as the boss doesn’t come in for work early, this April Fools’ Day prank can really frustrate the person getting pranked and potentially go on for as long as you want it to. Get some chains and security locks to chain up your co-workers belongings. It sounds pretty petty and simple but this one is very effective, the best part is that you hold the key – literally.

You can chain their chair to the desk, or wrap and tighten a chain with a lock on their chair cushion so they have to sit with a steel lock under their butt all day (or until you give up the keys). Take their stuff and lock it into a filing cabinet, lock their desk drawers or even put a lock on their phone so once again, they have to use speakerphone to make a call.

Now don’t get me wrong, some of these are really fun, but others are a little mean, so be conscious of your co-workers and don’t put them through too much…not.

Disclaimer: Pulling pranks at work may get you into trouble, and we’re are not advising you do these exact pranks. Rather, we’re letting you make the best  decision should you decide you want to pull an April Fools’ Day office prank. Moving Insider claims no responsibility for consequences to your actions.

 What are your favorite April Fool’s Day Pranks to pull with moving supplies? Will you try any of these pranks? Let us know below in the comments!


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