Disaster Relief
Our hearts and thoughts are with those who have been affected by a natural disaster. U-Haul has a long-time policy of assisting those in need during natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, fires, etc., by offering 30 days of free storage at participating U-Haul self-storage facilities on an as-available basis.
In addition to the 30-days-free self-storage assistance program, U-Haul works directly with the American Red Cross, the military and local police and fire departments in their efforts to get much-needed relief supplies to areas affected "by natural disasters. Because the need is so great, this is where we have chosen to focus our corporate efforts.
If you are an evacuee or family who has personally been affected by a natural disaster and need more than the 30-days-free self-storage assistance program, we have been advised to provide you with the following instructions: Register first with FEMA at 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) and then register with the American Red Cross at 1-866-GET-INFO (438-4636).
If you are an individual who would like to help get aid to an affected area, the American Red Cross has specifically asked us to encourage monetary donations only, as this is the best and most efficient way to get relief to those in need. Managing the flow of unsolicited donations hinders the effort to provide disaster relief in a timely manner. To make a donation, please visit www.redcross.org or call: 1-800-HELP-NOW or 1-800-257-7575 (Spanish)
For more information about our programs, please contact us at (602) 263-6194 or e-mail us at: publicrelations@HtmlStrings.Uhaul.com