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Customer Reviews for Aunt Biz Express
(U-Haul Neighborhood Dealer)
Testimonials From Recent Customers
Customer feedback is extremely important to us. We use these reviews to guide our efforts and improve our service. Everything that follows is direct from our customers, without any filtering or editing on our part.
Insurance too expensive and no windshield washer with a dirty windshield. Rest was ok
sylvie gFriendly service.
Pierre RI filled the véhicules gas tank to just a tiny bit below the original amount, I also advised the person when I was dropping it off about the very small discrepancy. They said it was fine. I also advised them of the defective brakes, and a small chip in the windshield that was there when I picked up the véhicule. Later that evening I recieved an e- mail stating that I was billed for 11 liters of gas by them. Which is absolutely outrageous!!! I have pictures ( before and after )of the dashboard, and am seriously thinking of advising consumer protection about the false gas reclamation!
Krzysztof WI had a very disappointing experience with U-Haul. I encountered issues with the mobile app during the check-in process because I couldn’t take photos as required. When I called for assistance, no one was able to help me. Eventually, I managed to complete the check-in process on the website. However, when I arrived to pick up the keys, there were none in the lockbox. I had to wait for someone to come and open the office to give me the keys, which caused at least a 40-minute delay. This was incredibly frustrating, as people were waiting to help me with my move, and the delay increased my moving costs. Overall, the experience was very disappointing, and I will likely not rent a truck from U-Haul again.
Aglae BA débiter le mauvais montant à changer ma réservation pour livrer ailleurs que val dor la mit à Rouyn-Noranda à un prix plus elever que prévu
Joseanne BYou calculate very precisely the excess mileage and you charge us for it. That's correct. You calculate very precisely the excess gasoline that we put in, but you don't reimburse us. That's not correct.
Benoit GThe uHaul trailer pulled well as they always do! Not a great location however, oh well.
Chris PNo blanket (12 were charged on my invoice) I had to add fuel because it was empty at the start of my reservation. I booked the truck for 7AM. I was able to get it at 9AM because the app and website was not working. I want a partial refund.
Alexandre GLights wasn’t working perfectly. The chains should be universal I had to use mine instead. But on the positive side, the trailer was smooth on the road and at the end of the day the work was well done ! Thank you !
SIMON FAu moment de la réception, le bureau était fermé. Personne était présente pour nous recevoir. Il a fallu frappé à la porte arrière pour que quelqu'un nous réponde. Ce même employé ne parlais pas Français et très peu l'anglais. Heureusement, nous avons finalisé la location et je suis reparti 45 min plus tard. Le camion était impeccable. Pour ça je n'ai aucune remarque négative. Seulement le service qui nous a fait perdre un peu de temps.
Édith BJ'avais loué une fourgonnette en ligne pour le mois dernier et lorsque je suis arrivé pour la récupérer, le responsable m'a dit qu'il n'y avait pas de fourgonnette disponible et que je pouvais prendre un camion de 15 pieds pour le même prix. J'ai été très déçue car je n'avais pas été informée de ce changement et je n'avais jamais conduit de camion auparavant.
Yeslie GMaybe someone who speak French in a French location like Granby will be more accessible for the people who speak only french.
Philippe VThank you very mutch
NANCY DThe parking was full , the people there didn’t come to inspect the truc and told us with no manners, that they don’t work for Uhaul . It’s a drop off location with no service .
PINA VPick up place was changed at last minute. I got a little extra free miles ok, but soon as I left with the rental truck I get a text new return location adding more mileage and my time once again. This time no free mileage.
Shields SJe devais prendre le camion à 10 heures. La personne responsable de l'ouverture du commerce à ouvert 45 minutes en retard. Personne ne parlant pas français donc les explications très difficiles a comprendre.
Richard PMalgré l heure d ouverture indique personne pour nous accueillir, pas de espace prévu pour stationner le camion, l espace pour circuler inadequat
JEAN CFirst, if we are à costumer "so important " , why is the questionnaire not available in french? Second, we were supposed to pick up the trailer at 10:00 and there was no one at that time. We had to wait for 20 minutes beurre someone showed up at the store. Thirdly, I had réserver the trailer without the insurance si ce I was already covered. When I received the bill, I Washington charged for the insurance. The owner said he could not do anything and that I had to call at the customer's office before I left the location site. The waiting was too long, so I decided to pay this extra (for nothing). My moving was already late because of those two situations.
Johanne GI did not receive any operating or safety instructions on the device I rented
MICHEL BThe reservation owner should be notified of the price in its entirety by what you have charged my credit card as not possible While at the base of the reservation it is marked $104.20 and after you increase it $50 and then $13.45 it is inadmissible I contacted your service But from one he makes me an invoice by putting other shits that had not appeared on my reservation form and tell me that everything is at $167 and some Give me back my money
Sidy FThe trunk would have needed a good clean where we drive, the back was ok
NATHALIE DService de base, n’offre pas leur aide. Expérience client moyenne.
PATRICK RVery good too
eric lCost was not what i was expected
Marcel CI've always been satisfied to rent their trucks at U Haul and today’s technology makes it easier. Receiving the leased vehicle with a complete full tank of gas would be more practical for the client.
Marc-Andre FLa location était prévue pour 11h30. Nous avons eu le camion à 12h15. Pas d'information sur le camion. Aucun service. Amabilité du personnel Zéro Je ne reviendrai pas louer un véhicule cheveux.
Jérome BJe dois moi même inspecter le véhicule seule avant le départ???? .... INACEPTABLE!!!!!
Joanie BSuper service de retour personne très accueillant et il ce chargeait de ranger le camion .
SERGE BA better following in maintenance in between locations.
Luc CL attachement manque d ajustements
Michel DFirst, parking was so thight that we had to close the two mirors of the truck. Plus, we arrived at night and serching under the rain for the orange key return box that didn’t exist. (No indications from the web or the physical place that they was no box) For night staff to come out 30min later and tell us there is no box. Worst U-Haul experience ever.
Emile BLaver le véhicule à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur , laver les tapis de caoutchouc. Acceullir les clients avec des gens compétents et ayant une formation appropriée (parlait seulement espagnol)
daniel lSupet
Sylvie DVery very poor service. I experienced an issue with the rental and customer service told me to call them directly, but they never answered the phone, replying by SMS that I should call customer service. No voicemail activated and they replied in English to messages in French. I do not recommend at all.
Clemence MLeaky exhaust
alex vEasy to drop off the trailer.
Lee PClean the windshield please
Ginette Mtook me 2 hours to go with the trailer RIDICULOUS the boss wasn't there and asked is mechanic to do the job the mechanic didnt speak french or english so he did what he can dirty place, no place to park our cars, opens late (10 AM) i got charged $$$$ for another place of drop off even if the boss told me that there was no problems to drop it in any other uhaul rentals location, very expensive for a trailer rental 3 persons got out of the place because there were no services, finally this is a ridiculous rental place that does not help your company. For me, UHAUL is more serious than that
alexandre dRapid and courteous service for our drop off.
Chris MBeaucoup trop de vehicules dans la court difficile de stationner la remorque
josee pVan was so dirty location had no furniture dolly clerk was detached / not answering question
Sylvie RExcellent service.
Gaetan PAvoir du service en français serais déjà un bon début ensuite ne pas faire de document frauduleux, avoir de l'éthique, ne pas tenter d'escroquer vos client, facturer le prix affichée sans rajouter des frais cacher les prochaine fois sa sera enterprise !!!
Maxime BDropped off the trailer Monday. The equipment was only checked in and my receipt issued on Friday.
Wendy FVery bad experience. Call me if someone really reads the comment.
Cynthia BReserver un camion 20 pi et a mon arriver etais pas la personne ma aviser il a fallu je rappel uhaul pour reserver un autre camion qui un 15 pi et attendu 35 min avant de parler a une personne vraiment dessus de mon experience avec Uhaul le garage tante bizz trés bon service mes pas Uhaul
Chritsian pno one helped me, and the parking was overloaded; therefore, I found a spot left it there, and proceeded with the automated return; thanks to this process, I would still be there waiting for someone to help me!
Pierre NNous avions réservé de l’équipement: 2 diables et il n’y en avait pas. Nous avons eu des problèmes avec la direction du camion, très dangereux. Nous ne réserverons plus chez U-Haul.
Florence LThé location its smell à dog and his not à lot of expérience to respomd à questions.
viridiana aPlease check my bill. The reservation was made for $205 plus 5 plus 32$ total of $242 to which tax is added. THAT IS NOT WHAT I AM BEING CHARGED. please correct. And when I called Granby location , he hung up On me. I was very polite, I am a professional and my daughter who made the reservation a medical doctor specialist. So please look into the bill we were charged and readjust. U-Haul is a professional company and I am convinced we can clear this out. As for Granby… thank you. Luc Poulin P.Eng., EMBA 438-467-1497
Heloise PThe location was open on a Sunday afternoon, and it was great to be able to talk to an attendant and leave the vehicle key with him.
Viktor MLe gars du Uhaul Granby nous a mis une pénalité pour le gaz alors que c'est une question d'interpretation de demi-milimètre par rapport au cadran de gaz. Pas du tout un bon service client
Simon LLes personnes ne savaient même pas qu'il y avait un retour de camion et semblaient confus.
michel bAvoir des ceintures et chariot de déménagement à louer sbp
SYLVIE SI took care of reserving a moving dolly when I made the reservation and didn’t have it in the truck. it was credited on the bill but it really made our moving more difficult. It started the day very badly.
Patrick ALe camion était complètement vide d'essence
Linda RLes propriétaires ont embauché des gens ne parlant pas français alors il était très difficile de communiquer avec eux. Ceci étant dit, ce n'est pas de la faute des employés mais de l'employeur qui aurait dû être sur place. Je dois mentionner qu'ils nous ont apporter leur aide lors de l'installation de la remorque à notre camion. La veille j'ai appelé à ce garage et mon interlocuteur n'a pas voulu me donner d'informations sur les services et les réservations.
Isabel LNous avions réservé le Uhaul pour 9ham, mais nos employées ont dû attendre jusqu'à 10h15 pour avoir le uhaul. Nous avions mentionné à Uhaul qu'il serait de retour le Samedi vers 20h, mais il avait exigée qu'il devait être de retour avant 18h, lorsque nous avions loué le uhaul en réalité 72 heures (jusqu'au dimanche). Contrairement aux autres Uhaul que notre équipe avait déjà loué, c'était malheureusement le pire... Je ne crois pas que c'est de la faute de Aunt Biz nécessairement, mais peut-être plus du manque de communication entre Aunt biz et Uhaul.
jean-philippe d