A move of any kind is a big deal. It usually means some sort of big life change. Whether you are moving into a bigger home because your family is getting bigger or you are moving into a smaller home because your family has grown up and flown from the nest, it means changes and you will want to document it all. The problem? In the craziness of packing things correctly and telling the movers where to start, you forget! Here are some ways to remind yourself and reasons its important to take that extra second to snap a picture, even if no one is looking at the camera:
1. Action shots are the best!
Sure, everyone wants a photo where everyone looks their best and is smiling at the camera, but sometimes the action shots are what’s telling. It’ll show how you were feeling that day and what was actually happening. When looking back, action shots might be your favorite!
2. You probably have a camera on you at all times that you forget about!
YOUR PHONE! Your cell phone is one of the most powerful tools that you can get your hand on on a daily basis and you might not be using it to its full potential. Your cell phone is probably in your pocket while moving so pull it out every once in a while. When you are looking through your old phone photos, you will be glad you did.
3. It could make you famous (sort of).
Have you heard of U-Haul’s My Photos program? U-Haul wants its customers to be part of its moving history so they are asking customers to send in their moving photos. It could be you packing, picking up your moving truck, on the road or unloading your trailer. Whatever your move looks like, U-Haul wants to know and wants to be a part of the memory. You can submit your photos three ways: email them to myphotos@uhaul.com, log onto uhaul.com/myphotos and upload them, or using #MyUhaul on Instagram. When your photo has been chosen to go on a truck, you will be notified!
These are only a few of the reasons its important to take photos during your move and there are tons more out there. Just think: the more photos you take, the more memories to cherish later!
Do you like to take a lot of pictures? What’s your favorite moving memory? Let us know in the comments below: