It’s that time of year again: back to school! If you’re looking for a more direct method of getting your stuff to campus, a ship to school service may be a great option when moving to college. Collegeboxes provides boxes, supplies, pickup, storage, delivery, and shipping (national and international) service for college students. If you’re looking for a reletively hands-off move, this might be the option for you! Learn more in these six steps:
1. Sign up online
In this step, you’ll be able to order boxes and schedule pickup.To begin, find the school of your choice and the service you’re interested in using.
2. Boxes shipped right to your door
Your boxes will be shipped to your home via FedEx within 3 to 5 business days. Take note of the starter kit; it includes 5 double walled boxes and necessary packing materials. You can order extra boxes for any items that don’t fit.
3. Pack & Label items for storage and shipping
What do you plan on taking to college? You can view packing tips online to help you decide what to pack and how to pack like a pro! When you’re all packed up, be sure your boxes are closed tightly on the top and bottom of your box. Remember: the type of tape you use matters! One high quality roll is provided in your starter kit.
4. FREE* Pickup “At Your Door”™
You will have scheduled FedEx pick up date when you initially set up your account. Make sure your boxes are ready to go!
5. We store & ship national and national
If you’re not planning on heading straight to school, your boxes can be temporarily stored until you arrive on campus.
6. FREE* Delivery “At Your Door”
Say goodbye co crowded elevators and stairs. Your boxes are delivered directly to your dorm room!
You’re on your way to a smooth college transition. For more information, this video below will take you through all six steps:
This post was written by Sophia Hutchinson. Sophia is program manager for Collegeboxes. When it comes to heading off to college and getting your stuff there, Sophia is a great reference for tips and tricks!
For more tips visit your go- to source for college moving or this Pinterest board.
How did you or your student move to college? Share your tips and tricks with us below!