Keep up the respect to the customer. This is the best U- Haul in Ga. -- Explain how everthing to no at turn in. -- Explain your choices own how to turn a truck after hours. To how the gas is figured before you pulled out of the store. Best of all The lady that took care of me was very nice and loved her job. The truck was spotless inside and out. JOB WELL DONE.
Davis McGraw
(U-Haul Neighborhood Dealer)
Services at this Location:
One-Way and In-Town® Rentals in Louisville, GA 30434
U-Haul has the largest selection of in-town and one-way trucks and trailers available in your area. U-Haul offers an easy moving process when you rent a truck or trailer, which include: cargo and enclosed trailers, utility trailers, car trailers and motorcycle trailers. Combine your moving efforts by renting a truck and a trailer from U-Haul today.
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Customer Reviews
- 4.0 Average Customer Rating
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ANDY GMrs. Tasha was very nice and helpful. She was patient and kind and helped me with renting what I needed.
DANNY MPlease note the only reason I am giving this location a bad review is because of Uhaul overall. I did not select this location, Uhaul decided to change my location to this. I had to drive an extra 1 hour and 10 minutes (round trip) to pickup the truck. Then the location tried to charge me almost $200 more than the original quote. Luckily my husband questioned her and she looked into her notes, after she had already charged my card. After an hour of us on the phone with UHaul and the location person on the phone, they corrected the price to the original quote.