What Could Go Wrong When Helping A Friend Move

Dec 5, 2013

When it comes to helping friends  move, sometimes you’ll look for any excuse to not help them out with this task.  Moving can be a stressful event in someone’s life filled with tension, so here’s what could go wrong when helping a friend move, so you can better be prepared( if you’re ready to give a lending hand)!

Carrying Moving BoxesUnderstand Their Situation

First of all, try to remind yourself that while you get to return to your cozy home and sleep on a comfortable bed at the end of the day your friend will be surrounded by moving boxes. Their life, at the moment, is contained inside these boxes that they packed and now have to unpack. They also used a moving truck that they had to drive from the dealer to their old home and then to their new home and back to the dealer. They also dealt with different companies to switch their addresses prior to the move, and now have to set-up their new location with their different electricity, water, Internet and television providers. Understand that their list of to-do’s is never ending at the moment.

They May Get A Little Bossy

In order to make moving day more organized, your friend will be dictating the movers on which furniture pieces to pick up first, how to place them in the trailer and how to place boxes too. While your friend may seem a little controlling, it’s better for the group to have a leader directing everyone where to go and what to do.

They May Not Want To Take A Break

For your friend, moving means shelling out money here and there, so for them time means money. They’ll be pushy wanting to hurry everyone along, and may forget that the helpers need a break. They may even forget to pack cool U-Haul Trailer & Boxesdrinks to keep you and others hydrated or to provide snacks to keep everyone energized. Make sure the whole group agrees on a break, including your friend, so that everyone can take a few calm and collected breathes to reduce stress.

 You’re Carrying Their Belongings

Understand that their private and sentimental belongings are in the boxes that you’re carrying. If you accidentally break something of theirs the situation could get a little awkward if you both don’t calmly sort it out. Who pays? Was it your fault? Do you pay for half? Be reasonable with your friend.

If your friend asks  for your assistance, it’s because they trust you and value your time to help them in their moment of need. Try to be very understanding with them when helping them move. Moving can be a positive and fun experience, and after all you’re with your friends so try to make the most of it!

Has your friend asked you to help them move? Have things gone well? Have they gone wrong? Tell us your experience in the comment section below!


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