On your moving day and the days leading up to it you will experience a full range of emotions. This list will not only prepare you for the emotional stages of moving, but also help you avoid some of them completely. Just know that regardless of how you’re feeling at the time, when you complete your move it will all be worth it.
1. Excited
Congratulations! You just decided to move somewhere new. Whether you’re moving across town or across the country, it’s exciting! A fresh start at a new home. Sounds great, right? What could possibly go wrong?
2. Stressed
You’re a week away from moving day and you’re just now beginning to pack. You don’t know how many boxes you need. You don’t even know where to start! Did you even know you had that many shoes? Who owns that many shoes?
Okay, don’t stress. Just take a deep breath and use this moving supply calculator. It will help estimate what moving supplies you need and how many. Once you have that, begin to pack one room at a time starting with the one that holds the things you use the least.
3. Determined
It’s moving day! You got through the stress of packing and that was the worst part of the whole ordeal. You and your friends/family are tackling this moving day like pros. The moving truck is almost full and your spirits are still high. There’s no box too big, no couch too wide. When suddenly….
4. Hangry*
Suddenly you realized you skipped breakfast and you haven’t had lunch. Lifting all those boxes and pushing the dolly up and down the truck ramp have drained you. Your stomach is growling and you’re easily irritated. What you’re feeling is hangry. Things can get kinda ugly when someone gets hangry, but the good news is you can avoid this completely.
The day before your move or the morning of, you can prepare some healthy snacks or easy moving day meals like this pasta salad recipe.
* Hangry is when you feel so hungry you become angry. And yes, this is a real emotion.
5. Hope
You just ate and now the end is in sight. Maybe you already started to unpack or you’re finally on the road heading to your new home. The hardest part of your move is behind you now. You packed up your entire life and moved on to something new. Feels good right?
6. Happy!
You did it! You made tons of moving memories and took all the best moving day photos to commemorate the day. Now you get to enjoy your new home until the next time you to do it all over again.
How was your last moving experience? Share your stages of moving in the comments below.