You’re not alone if you’re considering moving to Montreal. Montreal is home to a growing tech business, cultured streets and an energetic nightlife. And because of the French influence in the area, Montreal can feel European at times. The city blends the romantic and modern world effortlessly. This becomes obvious when looking at their architecture and art.
Like with any other city, there are moving tips specific to the Montreal area. Before moving to Montreal, read through the following tips.
Canada has a designated moving day
Most leases in Canada are set to end on June 31st, which means on July 1st you will find that a lot of people are moving into new homes. This means more traffic and less rentals. Plan ahead and schedule your moving truck rental to ensure it is available on the busy day.
Plan for bad traffic
Even though Montreal is considered to have some of the best public transportation options in the country, traffic can get very congested. The city is an island connected to the mainland by a few bridges and a tunnel. This can make getting in and out a hassle. Consider renting a large enough moving truck to complete the move in one drive. You definitely don’t want to drive in and out of the area multiple times in one day.
Learn some French
Montreal is a largely bilingual city. Anywhere you stop, you’re likely to meet people who speak both languages fluently. If you want to fit in and embrace the unique culture the city has to offer, consider brushing up on the language.
Be aware of the weather
Canadian winters are brutal, so if you’re moving to Montreal during the winter prepare for cold temperatures and possible snow. Beware of icy or slippery roads as you’re driving. Another thing to consider is what you’ll be wearing and what moving tools you’ll need to complete a winter move.
Have you completed a move to Montreal? What tips can you share about the experience. Share in the comments below!