When moving to college, college students should construct a financial plan each year. Many students worry about whether financial aid will be sufficient to help with tuition. They usually want some extra cash to spend while embracing their new school and the next chapter of their education. While all students have unique situations in college, it is generally a good idea to find a part-time job, especially when your schedule allows for it.
What to Expect in College
College is usually the first stepping stone to adult life for students, and they often need to think of the little expenses they will endure that quickly add up. Food, clothes, entertainment and transportation costs are expenses that every student should consider. While tuition and housing will likely be your highest costs in college, you will also want to occasionally have meals from local restaurants outside your dining package and some additions to your wardrobe throughout the year. A part-time job can alleviate some of the stress of the new expenses you will have in college.
Flexible Part-Time Jobs
For many incoming students, commuting to a job from campus is a challenging process. Many companies offer flexible part-time positions perfect for students with busy schedules. For example, U-Haul offers part-time at-home positions for college students who want to squeeze a job into their schedule. The position is offered to anyone in North America and focuses on contact center work to build upon communication skills. If you would prefer to work in an office setting to build your resume, another option is to apply for internships to get experience in the field you are interested in. Many companies offer flexible internship positions as they recognize students’ school schedules. Talk with your school counselor about opportunities nearby.
Incoming Student Checklist
When deciding if you should work part-time during college, make sure to consider all of the following typical expenses a student endures:
- Tuition
- Housing
- Dining Plan and Treats
- Clothes
- Entertainment
Also, you should consider your school schedule for the year to see when you are available for particular jobs. If your classes take up most of your day, you should look for a nights and weekend-only position. Some students may want to put all of their attention on their classes and choose not to get a job. In this case, you should look at your financial plan and find areas to reduce spending to maximize your budget.
For more tips, visit your go-to source for college moving or this Pinterest board.