Adaptive Reuse at U-Haul Moving & Storage of Lexington

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1200 E New Circle Rd   Lexington, KY 40505
(W Of I-75)

(859) 252-7596

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Office Hours

  • Mon-Thur: 7 am–7 pm
  • Fri: 7 am–8 pm
  • Sat: 7 am–7 pm
  • Sun: 9 am–5 pm

Services at this Location:

Contact Us

(859) 252-7596

1200 E New Circle Rd
Lexington, KY 40505
(W Of I-75)

Services at this Location:

Office Hours

  • Mon-Thur: 7 am–7 pm
  • Fri: 7 am–8 pm
  • Sat: 7 am–7 pm
  • Sun: 9 am–5 pm
  • Free towing inspection
  • Propane pay at pump
  • 24 hour customer return
Adaptive reuse location

Adaptive Reuse in Lexington, KY at U-Haul Moving & Storage of Lexington

Building History

Two Brothers, John("Jack") and Augustus F. ("Gus") Mack, founded The Mack Brothers Company in Brooklyn, New York in 1900.  The Mack brothers began their business after purchasing the Fallesen and Berry Carriage Company, after Jack had worked at the company for ten years. The company moved their headquarters to Allentown, Pennsylvania in 1905 and finally built their first motorized vehicle in 1907. The brothers started manufacturing bus vehicles and two types of delivery trucks. The motto “Simplicity, Strength, Durability, and Plenty of Reserve Power” was adopted in 1907 and in 1910 the trucks were finally branded as the iconic "Mack" trucks with insignia. 

In 1911, Jack and Gus sold the company and operation continued under the International Motor Company name. In 1912, John and Joseph Mack left the company and name finally changes to Mack Trucks in 1922 with the bulldog as the adopted mascot. The bulldog mascot was inspired by a nickname given to the trucks by British soldiers during World War I, when nearly 4,500 Mack vehicles were used to transport troops and supplies. The second World War prompted Mack to shift its production to create 26,000 six-wheel transport vehicles, 4,500 four-wheel trucks and 4,600 powertrains for U.S. tanks. The construction of the U.S. interstate, helped Mack trucks maintain steady sales throughout the 50’s and into the 60’s. Mack Trucks is now owned by The Volvo Group.

The Mack Truck Sales building was built in 1955 and U-Haul acquired the building in 1977. Adaptive reuse building conversions allow U-Haul to promote infill development to meet citizens’ needs while preserving the natural resources and land normally required for new construction. Adaptive reuse also allows resources to be focused on integrating environmentally thoughtful features into the existing building rather than creating waste in the form of demolition and using valuable resources for new construction. 

Environmental Impact

Serving U-Haul customers since 1977, this facility was built through adaptive reuse of an abandoned building. Adaptive reuse promotes infill development in an effort to strengthen communities, with the following benefits achieved at this site: 

  • 19 tons of metal manufacturing & transportation prevented 
  • 1,236 tons of new concrete pours avoided 
  • 1,269 tons of construction and demolition debris prevented 

Energy-efficiency and waste-reduction programs at this facility provide the following estimated benefits each year for the Lexington community: 

  • 58,105 kWh annual energy savings 
  • 606,431 lbs greenhouse gas emissions prevented 
  • Steel Use

    Steel Production 19 tons (17 tonnes) of steel manufacturing and delivery saved to date

  • Energy Use

    Energy 58,105 kWh annual energy savings

  • Concrete Use

    Concrete 1,236 tons (1,122 tonnes) of new concrete pours avoided to date

  • CO2 Emissions

    Emissions 606,431 lbs (275,075 kgs) of greenhouse gas emissions prevented

  • Landfill Debris

    Landfill Debris 1,269 lbs (1,152 kgs) of construction debris prevented

Additional Services at this Location

  • Moving Trucks

    We have the largest selection of new trucks!

  • Trailers & Towing

    Our cargo and utility trailers start at $14.95!

  • Self-Storage

    We have the most coverage in North America!

  • Moving Supplies

    We sell hundreds of products to make moving easier!

  • Trailer Hitches

    U-Haul is North America's #1 hitch installer!

  • Propane

    Propane service delivered straight to your door!

  • Trucks for Sale

    We have the largest selection in the industry!

  • History

    We have an adaptive reuse program to better the environment!

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