Trailer Rental Guide

Trailer Rental Guide

There are many options to choose from when renting a U-Haul Trailer.  It's great to know there's a trailer you can rent for just about any job but it can be overwhelming to have so many options when you aren't exactly sure which trailer is best for you.  We...

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Moving to Philadelphia

Moving to Philadelphia

If you are moving to Philadelphia, aka "The city of brotherly love," "Philly" or the "Birthplace of America," then you are in for an exciting new life full of art, culture and delicious cuisine! You will be living in a city with historical significance, great sports...

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How to Load a Moving Van with Only Two People

How to Load a Moving Van with Only Two People

The saying goes “two is better than one” so if you and your roommate are moving, or maybe your buddy has offered to help you move, you'll have each other to lean on for the stresses (and sweats) of moving. Here's how to load a moving van with only two people! Before...

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Asking Friends to Help you Move: Why You Shouldn’t Do It

Asking Friends to Help you Move: Why You Shouldn’t Do It

Moving day is approaching, what is the first thing that runs through your mind? "How am I going to haul all my belongings?" Most commonly, the individual who is planning to move tends to seek out which friend or family member that owns a truck in order to help...

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What To Bring When Moving Into a Furnished Place

What To Bring When Moving Into a Furnished Place

In my story of moving all across the country as a college student for internships and other job opportunities, one city and one of my living places in particular stands out -- my furnished place in Washington, DC. The words "pre-furnished" can be the two best words...

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Moving In the City: Pickup Truck or Cargo Van?

Moving In the City: Pickup Truck or Cargo Van?

As a city dweller, let me tell you something -- city streets and alleys were most certainly not designed for 26' moving trucks! And I think it would be quite the challenge to try and parallel park one of those bad boys as well. That's why it's recommended that you use...

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Essential Items for Driving a Moving Truck

Essential Items for Driving a Moving Truck

A dream, a destination, the open road and a moving truck. You're behind the wheel on your way to your new home with all of your belongings when you remember you forgot some vital things. Do you drive back? Do you find the nearest store? Here are some essential items...

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Visualizing Your New Home With a Room Planner

Visualizing Your New Home With a Room Planner

"Hmm...maybe it could go here. Or here, or wait better yet here!" Sound familiar? I know for myself that when I'm moving, one of my biggest challenges is deciding how I'm going to arrange everything in my new home. Whether we think about it when we're in the moving...

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Can I Break my Apartment Lease?

Can I Break my Apartment Lease?

The day has come when your current living situation is no longer working. Perhaps you have lost your job, or perhaps you’ve taken a new job in a different state. Maybe you are getting a divorce, or perhaps you are getting married. Whatever the case may be, there are...

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Can I Break my Apartment Lease?

Finding a Short Term Apartment Lease in a Big City

I'll never forget how excited I was when I found out that I had been offered a short term position in one of the largest cities in the country. The capitol of our nation, Washington DC, was about to be my new home in just a few short weeks. The only problem was that I...

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Top Five Overlooked Tasks When Moving

Top Five Overlooked Tasks When Moving

Anyone who's moving can agree that it is an involved process. You've probably already packed your belongings, reserved your moving truck and had your utilities disconnected at your old location (or least have them scheduled for disconnect). But, certain tasks are...

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How To Deal With Your Valuables On Moving Day

How To Deal With Your Valuables On Moving Day

Transporting all of your goods from your old home to your new home can be a daunting task, especially when not having  prepared for how to deal with your valuables on moving day. Thieves may look at moving trucks as a sign of an individual who will have a busy day...

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